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张雄艺术网 http://www.zxart.cn发布时间:2023-03-24

摘要: 《诗经》,也称《诗三百》,是我国第一部诗歌总集,收集了自西周初年至春秋中叶五百多年的诗歌305篇,一般认为成书时间是春秋时期。子曰:“诗三百,一言以蔽之,曰:思无邪。”依据音乐的不同,




《葛覃》绘画  鲁霞作

《葛覃》书法 徐云水作










      由于汉英两种语言间的差异,汉诗往往排列整齐,而英诗诗行长短不一。如何处理翻译中的这一形文问题呢?赵老师既没有因为英语译文的诗行不整齐而躺平,也没有借英诗的这一特点而毫无原则、毫无章法地确定译文诗行的长度,而是按照英诗的特点确定自己的翻译标准并严格执行。他根据自己的译诗经验,通常将四言汉诗译为六个音节的英诗,本首《葛覃》也不例外。他认为,这样翻译简约优美,可使译文的风格与原文大体相当。不然,多则造成冗余,为诗之大忌;少则导致缺失,难以曲尽其妙(赵彦春 2005)

       在声文方面,要使译诗和原诗完全对等更是不可能的,译者在追求译文的音美方面并没有拘泥于原诗,而是灵活有度地运用类比的方法再现了原诗的意图 — 音韵美。每章的韵式均为aabbcc在译文的情文上译者也是有法有度地向原诗趋同。在意象方面,葛之覃 — 施于中谷 — 维叶萋萋 — 维叶莫莫 — 黄鸟 — 刈 — 濩 — 絺 — 绤 — 污 — 澣 — 归宁 — 父母等在译文中悉数再现。原文第三章的前两小句:言告师氏,言告言归翻译为 “ How I wish, Mother, How I wish to go home now!”,译诗和原诗有出入。但这并不是无端地做出变换,而是为了更好地传达原作的意图,满足译语读者的期待。译文通过女主人公与妈妈的心灵对话,再现了女主人公盼望见到双亲的急切的心情。



Zhao Yanchun

赵彦春上海大学教授、上海大学翻译研究与出版中心主任、国际学术期刊Translating China主编、国际汉学与教育研究会会长、中医药促进会传统文化翻译与国际传播专业委员会会长、中国先秦史学会国学双语研究会执行会长。证伪与建构;译诗兼写诗。翻译学归结论的创立者、以诗译诗以经译经的倡导者和践行者。

Zhao Yanchun, Professor of English at Shanghai University, Director of Shanghai University Center for Translation and Publishing, Editor of Translating China, President of International Sinology and Education, President of Chinese Culture Translation and International Promotion, Executive President of Chinese Classics Bilinguals’ Association. Falsifying and Reconstructing, translating and writing poetry, a founder of translation reductionism, is an advocator and practitioner of translating Poesie into Poesie, and Classic into Classic.


Wu Jianjun


Wu Jianjun, Postgraduate of the United Nations Language Training Program in 1993 and MA of Development Economics, the University of Manchester, has been in civil service in the central government ministries of PRC for many years, once Senior Advisor to the Chinese Executive Director of the World Bank Group and currently a senior executive of an international multilateral development agency. He is an advocator and practitioner of the inheritance and communication of traditional Chinese culture.


Peng Tao


Peng Tao, Chief Editor of China Media Group, the guest of the Everlasting Classics (the third season), has been invited by high quality platforms as a special guest to give reading performances.

肖洒 (潇洒)
Xiao Sa


  Xiao Sa, director of Broadcasting, graduate student tutor, National Mandarin Proficiency tester, nominee for the Golden Microphone Award for Chinese Broadcasting and Hosting, member of the Recitation Professional Committee of the Chinese Poem Society, director of the Recitation Professional Committee of the Chinese Poetry Society, and also a member of the Broadcasting and Recitation Expert Group for Learn more to make your country stronger. Besides, he is the executive president of the Henan Provincial Speech and Eloquence Academy and the vice president of the Speech and Eloquence Branch of the Chinese Language Press Association.


Xu Yunshui


 Xu Yunshui, a professional calligrapher, calls himself Bingma(ice horse), and uses the pseudonym of Jingshuilou(Jingshui Tower). Having formed a great passion on calligraphy from his childhood, he started with the stone-drum inscrpriptions under the guidance from Mr. Wang Geyi. Later he studied the regular script of Tang Dynasty and wild cursive, and, he especially delved into many models of calligraphy of Zhang Xu, Huai Su, Zhu Yunming, Fu Shan and other calligraphies. His works have won awards in many competitions and have been collected by individuals and national exhibition hall of Japan, Australia and other countries.


Lu Xia


Lu Xia, Researcher at National Arts Museum of Chinese National Fine Arts Institution, painter at "Chinese Ink Painting" program by China Education Television, Deputy Secretary General of Chinese Classics Bilinguals' Association of Chinese Pre-Qin History Society.


Zhang Qinggang


Zhang Qinggang, MA in English Language and Literature, Assoicate Professor at Chongqing City Management College, Editor-in-chief of an English-Chinese dictionary. His translation of History of Urban Development in China was published by Macmillan Publishers LImited.


Wu Tianyi


Wu Tianyi, Timmy, a 9th grader of a bilingual school in Shanghai, is fond of English literature reading.  An active participant in public benefit activities, he strives to be a practitioner of international exchange and communication of traditional Chinese culture.


Peng Peng


Peng Peng is the student of Beijing No.2 Experimental Primary School and the guest of the Everlasting Classics (the third season).



Li Shan

李山: 河北高碑店市人,1963年生,文学博士博士生导师,现为北京师范大学文学院教授、北师大中国优秀传统文化研究与传播中心(珠海校区)教授,副主任。长期从事中国古代文学史,古代文化史教学科研,主攻方向为先秦两汉魏晋南北朝文学。曾出版《诗经的文化精神》、《诗经析读》、《西周礼乐文明的精神建构》、《诗经应该这样读》、《孔子——永不妥协的大生命》以及教科书《中国文化史》、《中国文化概观》等著述,发表论文近百篇。曾经做客央视“百家讲坛”、“文明之旅”等栏目,主讲《春秋五霸》、《战国七雄》、《论语在身边》和《诗经》等节目。

Li Shan, born in Gaobeidian, Hebei Province in 1963, is a doctor of literature. He is now a professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Arts of Beijing Normal University and deputy director of the Center for Research and Communication of Chinese Traditional Culture of Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai Campus). He has long been engaged in the teaching and research of ancient Chinese literary history and ancient cultural history, with his study orientation being the pre-Qin literature and the literature of the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties, the Wei, the Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties. The works he published include monographs such as The Cultural Spirit of Classic of PoetryThe Analysis of Classic of PoetryThe Spiritual Construction of Ritual and Musical Civilization in Western ZhouThe Classic of Poetry Should Be Read This WayConfucius - The Great Life Never Compromising, textbooks such as History of Chinese CultureAn Overview of Chinese Culture, and nearly 100 papers. He has been invited to the CCTV to host the program of Lecture Room and act as an expert in the program of Journey of Civilization, giving lectures on or talking about such topics as The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn PeriodThe Seven Heroes of the Warring StatesThe Analects of Confucius and The Classic of Poetry.



Xu Qinghua


Xu Qinghua, the DFA of China Academy of Art, graduated from Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts and now is Professor and PHD supervisor of Department of Media and Communication of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is also vice chairman of Chinese Calligraphers Association and director of Seal Cutting Art Association.





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